IUCN Species of Concern: Somaliland & Somalia
Sensitive species checklist for: Somaliland, Somalia
Mary E. Barkworth (Editor) from IUCN Red List 2016
Citation: Barkworth, M.E. (Ed.) 2016. Species of concern in Somaliland and Somalia that are of concern or data deficient according to the IUCN Red List
Locality: Somaliland, Somalia
Abstract: This list is of species that fall into one of the IUCN categories between "Extinct" and "Least Concern". It was built on 2016-08-27. There is a comparable list for plants in OpenHerbarium.
For more information about a species, click on its name. [Clicking on a name does this in any part of the site - but there is little information in as yet]
Families: 57.
Genera: 86.
Species: 91.
Total Taxa: 91.
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Critically Endangered A2bcd+3bcd+4bcd, 2016
Critically Endangered A2abcd+3bcd+4abcd, 2016
Critically Endangered A2acd+3cd+4acd, 2016
Endangered A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde, 2016
Vulnerable A2acde+3cde+4acde, 2016
Endangered A2bcd+3bcd+4bcd, 2016
Critically Endangered A2bcd+3bcd+4bcd, 2016
Endangered A2c+3c+4c, 2016
Critically Endangered A3bc+4bc, 2016
Endangered B1ab(i,ii,iii,v), 2016
Critically Endangered A2cd, 2016
Vulnerable A2bcd+3bcd+4bcd, 2016
Endangered B1ab(iii), 2016
Endangered A2ac; C2a(i), 2016
Endangered B1ab(iii,v);C2a(i,ii), 2016
Critically Endangered B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii), 2016
Endangered B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii), 2016
Vulnerable A2bce+3ce+4bce;B2ab(i-v) 2016
Critically Endangered A2cd, 2016
Vulnerable A2cd+3cd+4cd, 2016
Vulnerable B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v); C2a(i), 2016